While the last several years have been challenging in Edmonton residential real estate, there are signs of life on the horizon. Experts are currently forecasting modest increases in condominium and attached housing prices, as well as an overall increase in sales activity throughout 2020. For developers, these insights are a good sign. While there are many challenges ahead for Edmonton’s real estate market in 2020, the demand for condos, townhouses, and multi-family residential complexes appears poised to increase over the upcoming years.

Developers looking to build or redevelop residential spaces face unique challenges in Edmonton. The city has some of the highest standards and most stringent building codes of any major city in Canada, due in large part to northern Alberta’s harsh winter climate. Partnering with an architectural firm early in the development process will allow developers to create a finessed, detailed designs that are easily approved to accelerate the development process.

How Kumar Can Help

Kumar Architecture is a leading architectural firm in Western Canada, servicing clients in the Edmonton area and across Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba. With nearly a decade of residential experience, our team is ready to tackle all development projects of all scopes. From townhouses and attached housing to condos and large multi-family complexes, Kumar has the capability and experience to make your next development project a success.

edmonton residential architect

A Proven Record of Success

Developers looking to capitalize on Edmonton’s multi-family residential needs require an architectural firm with documented success. Working with a qualified, experienced team from the start can save both time and money in the design and construction processes.

Kumar Architecture’s team has more than a century of combined experience in architectural design. With a well-earned reputation for innovative residential designs, Kumar adds value to every project through thoughtful architecture that’s both functionally pleasing and environmentally sustainable. Additionally, our team’s familiarity with Edmonton’s latest building codes and regulations ensures the timely approval of new projects without compromising your vision.

Innovative Designs For Edmonton Developers

Kumar Architecture is committed to a legacy of innovative design and customer satisfaction. Our focus on creating the right building for our clients differentiates us from our competition, allowing developers to realize their vision for their residential projects.

Our team features experts with diverse architectural backgrounds and over a century of combined experience. Our expertise enables us to create designs tailored to the unique needs of the Edmonton market. Whether your housing development will complement the character of Edmonton’s historic neighbourhoods or offer a glimpse into the future of modern design, our holistic full-service approach makes us the ideal partner for your next project.

Service Tailored To Your Project’s Needs

Clear, consistent communication between developers and their architecture teams is critical in the development process. Active collaboration, transparency, and accessibility for our clients is an essential part of our approach. We guide our clients through every step of the process, saving time and money while avoiding countless headaches through every phase of your next residential project.

Kumar is proud to offer service tailored to your residential project’s needs. No matter the size or scope, our team of qualified experts will work with you to bring your vision into reality.

Ready to get your Edmonton development project started?

Contact Kumar today to learn more!